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We prioritize quality in all aspects of our operations, maintaining ISO 9001:2015 certification* and a comprehensive Quality Assurance Program that focuses on continual improvement. The company also prioritizes compliance with ethical and legal standards, holding itself and its suppliers to high standards of conduct, including anti-corruption, anti-bribery, and antitrust laws, and maintaining various certifications and compliance statements. We also prioritize data security and privacy protection, establishing policies and plans to promote business continuity and ethical conduct from suppliers and third-party providers.

*Only applicable for QSC Costa Mesa location.


From design and manufacture to service and support, we prioritize quality in every aspect of our operations to earn customer trust and satisfaction. Our ISO 9001:2015* certification and comprehensive Quality Assurance Program emphasized our commitment to continuous improvement.

Our Quality Management System (QMS) is designed to plan, control, assure, and continually improve the way we do business related to product quality and service quality. It operates at all levels, guided by a capstone quality manual that informs our Operating Procedures and Work Instructions. QSC's QMS adheres to requirements set forth in ISO 9001:2015. Please read our Quality Policy for more information and please see here for the certificate.

*Only applicable QSC Costa Mesa location

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Ethics & Compliance

We are committed to upholding ethical and legal standards in our business operations. This includes compliance with the US Trade Agreements Act and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, which prohibit the use of child labor and require adherence to state and federal employment laws. Additionally, we obtain TSCA certification information through Global Trade Compliance and require our brokers to submit appropriate TSCA statements in compliance with the Toxic Substances Control Act.

Our Suppliers

We expect the highest standards of ethical conduct from all our suppliers and third-party providers. Suppliers are required to comply with all laws, rules, regulations, and treaties applicable to the products and/or services provided to QSC, LLC in all locations in which business operations are conducted, including laws related to anti-bribery, competition, business conduct, environmental standards, occupational health and safety, labor and employment, and any others that are applicable.

Image of two people working with digital technology