• Image of finger touching a human icon


Quality Management/Assurance

From design and manufacture to service and support, we prioritize quality in every aspect of our operations to earn customer trust and satisfaction. Our ISO 9001:2015* certification and comprehensive Quality Assurance Program emphasized our commitment to continuous improvement.

Our Quality Management System (QMS) is designed to plan, control, assure, and continually improve the way we do business related to product quality and service quality. It operates at all levels, guided by a capstone quality manual that informs our Operating Procedures and Work Instructions. QSC's QMS adheres to requirements set forth in ISO 9001:2015. Please read our Quality Policy for more information and please see here for the certificate.

*Only applicable QSC Costa Mesa location

ANAB badge, image text: Certified to ISO 9001:2015

*Only applicable for QSC Costa Mesa location.

As part of our commitment to quality, the company captures field failure data to monitor and improve the performance of its products in the real world. Additionally, we provide customer quality metrics reporting to give customers visibility into the quality of our products and services, and to demonstrate the company's commitment to transparency and continuous improvement.