What is the Patch Matrix, why do I need it & how do I use it?

    • The patch matrix allows a physical, analog input to be routed to a channel other than the one it is assigned to by default. This may be useful to rearrange the mixer’s layout. Let’s say you’ve got audio coming from video gear and you want to use the mixer’s line inputs (25, 26, 27, 28) because they can accommodate the high signal levels that some broadcast gear outputs. But you’d like the controls for these inputs to show up on fader bank 1-8. The Patch Matrix allows this rerouting.

      In addition a single analog input may be routed to multiple channels. This is known as “multing”. Let’s say the band does a song where the singer goes to a “telephone voice” for part of the song. The Patch Matrix can connect the singer’s microphone input to two channels. One can be set normally while the other is adjusted to sound like the singer is talking on a telephone. Then the singer’s voice can be switched between the two using the channels’ mute buttons.

      There is a training video on this topic, it is covered in the mixer’s Info System (Misc Features, Patch Matrix) and the User Manual.

What kind of microphone should I use when I use the Room Tuning Wizard? Can I use a vocal mic?

    • A: Many vocal microphones have a rise in their high-frequency response. For example, an SM58 has a frequency response that rises up to 5 dB between 2 kHz and 10 kHz. If these microphones are used the resulting room tuning will have a corresponding dip. A microphone with fairly flat frequency response will provide good results. There are a number of measurement microphones available at reasonable prices ($100 or less) and it isn’t necessary to use a precision, calibrated microphone. Note that the Talkback input of the mixer has phantom power to support condenser measurement microphones.

Can I move more than “one” fader at a time?

    • Yes – on both the mixer and an external device.

What is “Solo in Place” & how is it used?

    • Solo In Place (SIP) is a handy function for system set up. SIP mutes all the mixer inputs except the input (or inputs) that is (or are) soloed. The “In Place” part means that the channel is still routed to wherever it was routed before SIP was engaged. It is used as an alternative to manually muting all the channels other than the one the operator is working on. SIP mode may be selected / deselected from the Mixer Setup page. Note that the Cue function functions normally for the outputs when SIP is used.

The Feedback Wizard doesn’t seem to be doing anything. The channel fader isn’t moving.

    • This can happen if the environment is too quiet or if the only noise in the space is low frequency noise such as air-handling noise. The solution is to apply a little noise using the noise control located on the lower left corner of the Anti-Feedback Wizard screen. One other possibility is that the inputs are muted or that noise gates are preventing input signal from reaching the mixer output.

Is it possible to mix a multi-track recording on the TouchMix-30 Pro and send the stereo mix-down to a DAW using the USB digital audio output?

    • Yes. The DAW outputs from the TouchMix-30 Pro are sending even if the mixer is in USB Multi-Track Recording mode.

Is there a “quick-start” guide on how to use the DAW interface with Mac computers?

Will there be a digital snake available for TouchMix-30 Pro?

    • No digital snake is planned for the TouchMix-30 Pro.

Will the TouchMix-30 Pro be Q-Sys compatible?

    • The TouchMix-30 Pro does not support any form of networked audio interface.

Why are some channels being displayed without the faders?

    • There are two explanations. In the case of a wireless device this may be because the mixer’s Remote Control Access settings for the device are not set to allow the device to control the selected mix. The second possible reason is that the missing faders are, by design not available for the mix being viewed. For example, the Aux Output Faders 9-16 are not shown on Aux Mixes 1-8 because these outputs cannot be mixed onto Auxes 1-8.

The Stereo Inputs 29/30 appear on both the front panel and the rear panel. What’s the story?

    • The rear panel inputs are balanced and intended to receive line-level signal from devices such as professional video gear or another mixer. The front panel jack is intended for use with the outputs of smart-phones or other music players. Audio from either input is controlled by mixer channels 29/30. It is possible to bring audio into both sets of inputs at the same time but, since there is only one set of controls there is little reason to do so.

How many wireless devices can be connected to the mixer at one time?

    • Up to twelve devices may be connected to a TouchMix at one time. 

Why is there no USB Wi-Fi Adapter supplied with the TouchMix-30 Pro?

    • The TouchMix-30 Pro is more likely to be used in applications where distances are greater and where there is more potential for other radio frequency interference. For these applications, an external router with higher power and more efficient antenna is recommended.

Will the USB Wi-Fi Adapter supplied with a TouchMix-8 or 16 work in a TouchMix-30 Pro?

    • Two adapters have been supplied with TouchMix-8 and 16. One of these will work with the TouchMix-30 Pro. The supported adapter is pictured below and is marked with the letter “N”. It is available here https://parts.qsc.com/cp-000033-00 .

Are commercially available USB Wi-Fi Adapters compatible with TouchMix?

What Wi-Fi router should I use with TouchMix?

    • We have successfully used a wide range of external Wi-Fi routers. Even inexpensive devices ($40 USD) have worked well. Most problems reported to QSC are the result of non-standard, custom configurations of the routers. Routers that support the 5 GHz band can overcome connectivity problems resulting from spectrum crowding.

Which RJ45 port on the router should I connect to my TouchMix?

    • Any port other than the Internet port. The Internet port will usually be a different color than the other ports. 

What do I need to know to connect my TouchMix to an existing network in a facility?

    • If the network has been set up by IT professionals, they may be reluctant to allow it. But if they do, they will want to know two things.

          ○  What port do you want them to give you? Answer – any open port will work.
              The mixer will find it.

          ○  What services to you need? Answer – none. The mixer implements zero-
              configuration networking using Bonjour.